PUPP experts will present a series of free webinars, aimed at anyone interested in the various topics of academic integrity, plagiarism prevention, skills (informational, referencing) and more… Are invited especially, university teachers and students. Welcome! 10 a.m. EST or EDT depending of the date.
Embracing or Resisting? Unpacking Faculty and Student Reactions to Generative AI in Higher Education
December 10th, 2024, 10h am EST (Montréal)
Lecturer: Dr. Catherine Déri
Webinar description: During this webinar, Catherine Déri will present recent findings on how university professors and undergraduate students reacted to generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) during the two years following the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022. The data collected in overs 6,000 questionnaires and 200 interviews reveal that students were quicker than professors to familiarize themselves with GenAI tools and remain ahead of the game with their usage of the new technology. A discussion will include the reasons why some individuals are still reluctant to integrate GenAI in their personal and professional lives, such as lack of training and policies, environmental and ethical values, resistance to change and concerns with data security. Finally, two different frameworks will be proposed to better adjust to new technologies in educational settings.
Catherine Déri Ph.D., is an Associate Professor at Université du Québec en Outaouais. The topic of academic integrity piqued her interest during her doctoral studies on the professionalization of graduate students to the scholar profession. She currently conducts research on plagiarism prevention in academia through an international partnership involving over 60 researchers in Canada, the United States, and Europe. Her transition into the field of higher education comes after a 25-year career as a Logistics Officer in the Canadian Armed Forces. Her honours include the Pierre Laberge Thesis Prize from University of Ottawa, the 10×10 Alumni with Impact Award from University of Guelph, and the Robert J. Farrelly Award from the Royal Military College of Canada.
To register for this webinar CLICK HERE
ChatGPT, parlez-en à votre bibliothécaire!
6 février 2025, 10h am EST (Montréal)
Présentatrice : Laurence Huot
Description du webinaire : Ce webinaire est une réflexion sur l’IA générative et les compétences informationnelles. Je m’interroge sur ses impacts en matière de recherche et production d’information en contexte de réalisation de travaux universitaires. Une attention sur le plagiat et l’intégrité sera également abordé lors de ce webinaire.
Présentatrice : Laurence Huot est bibliothécaire disciplinaire à l’Université du Québec en Outaouais depuis juin 2016. Elle s’occupe des sciences de l’éducation, des relations industrielles et des sciences naturelles. Les formations en recherche documentaire et au logiciel EndNote font partie de son quotidien! Elle est intéressée par tout ce qui se rapporte de près ou de loin aux compétences informationnelles.
Pour vous inscrire, cliquez ICI
The GenAI Footprint in Scholarly Publications Reflects the Complex Issues of Academic Integrity in the Post-Plagiarism Era
March 5th, 2024, 10h am EST (Montréal)
Lecturer: Gengyan Tang, and Dr. Sarah Elaine Eaton
Webinar description: To come The GenAI Footprint has increasingly appeared in scholarly publications. We conducted a rapid investigation and ongoing monitoring of this phenomenon. Our initial evidence reveals cases of complete plagiarism involving ChatGPT-generated content by both faculty and students in certain countries. Further evidence from our ongoing tracking indicates that this phenomenon is spreading across a wider range of publication types and appearing in journals of varying quality (both high- and low-tier), signaling a global issue. This raises concerns about the emergence of “bad apples” in the quality assurance of higher education in the post-plagiarism era and calls for a systemic response to tackle this challenge.
Gengyan Tang, MA, is a PhD student in the Werklund School of Education at the University of Calgary. His research interests include research integrity and academic integrity. Gengyan currently serves as a peer reviewer for academic journals such as Accountability in Research, Journal of Scholarly Publishing, and BMC Medical Education.
Dr. Sarah Elaine Eaton is a Professor and research chair at the Werklund School of Education at the University of Calgary (Canada). She is an award-winning educator, researcher, and leaderDr. Eaton also holds a concurrent appointment as an Honorary Associate Professor, Deakin University, Australia. Dr. Eaton is a co-investigator on the PUPP project.
To register for this webinar CLICK HERE
The Critical AI Literacy Imperative
April 9th, 2024, 10h am EDT (Montréal)
Lecturer: Dr. Guofang Wan
Webinar description: The webinar briefly reviews the changing landscape of GenAI and its impact on education. The discussion on the use of GenAI tools in education and its impact on academic integrity points to the imperative of critical GenAI literacy. Expand on critical media literacy, the webinar will describe importance of the critical AI literacy, and how to apply it in education settings.
Guofang Wan, Ph.D. Professor of education at Loyola University Chicago, and Fulbright Scholar at Federal University of Santa Caterina, Brazil. Dr. Wan has a long-time research interest and publications in promoting critical media literacy which evolved into critical AI literacy in education.
To register for this webinar CLICK HERE