Event organized by “BCcampus. Learning. Doing. Leading”.
As seen on their website
Click “Register” on their website to sign up for this webinar.Academic integrity at post-secondary institutions has received much attention with pandemic-related adaptations to teaching and learning practices. With initiatives that support content development, such as syllabus language, listing best practices, and self-learning modules, revisions to academic integrity policy language have emerged. This panel discussion will use an educative approach as a lens to share viewpoints on some developments, comment on current circumstances, and articulate future directions. The panelists represent multiple disciplinary spaces and institutional roles.
Moderator: Dr. Anita Chaudhuri
- Dr. Subrata Bhowmik (Culture and Academic Integrity in Second-Language Writing Instruction)
- Dr. Anita Lam (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and Academic Integrity Policy Language)
- Beatriz Antonieta Moya (Students as Partners in Academic Integrity)
- Dr. Laurie McNeill (Academic Integrity vs Artificial Intelligence: Teaching and Learning with Integrity in the Age of ChatGPT)